sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

The Big Five

Hello everyone I would like to share with you a topic that I found really interesting in my research about wildlife in South Africa, I'm talking about  'The Big Five' this term refers to five of Africa's greatest wild animals such as the Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Rhino And Buffalo.Those animals from the African continent are considered to be a type of trophy since hunting them is considered harder and more dangerous.

Things you didn't know about these animals:

Lions greet each other in what looks like a rather rough manner. It may seem like the animals are fighting,but nothing is what it seems since they are just greeting each other.

It's well known that the elephant is known for its intelligence but did you know that they also mourn their dead?.when an elephant dies, its herd performs a small ceremony in which the elephants caress the dead with their trunks.The ceremony is marked by loud bellowing.

Leopards carry their prey to the branches of trees because there they feel comfortable. This is also where they hunt their prey, jumping from the trees as to not be discovered since their fur acts as camouflage.

Some people say that the hippo should be included instead of the rhino because it's an animal that causes the most human fatalities on the continent.( kills 2,900 anually)

Three of these five animal are in danger of extintion ,so it's important that we are conscious of there condition and we should do more to protect them.one possible solution is to increase the fines for people who hunt these animals. We aren't too far off from eliminating these practices, an example of this is that South Africa recently changed its policies to protect animals and combat the trade of horns of the remaining rhinos which are in danger of extinction.If we all work together we can make a difference.

Here's a short video that shows 'The Big Five'

1 comentario:

  1. I really like this! I think that it's a very interesting article and teaches us much, since at least for me, are things completely new. For example what most caught my attention was the information of elephants, and now I think they are extremely intelligent animals. Thanks for the information :)
