viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Official language in the United States.

Hi guys! I hope you’re all fine, I want to talk to you about an interesting subject related to the United States and the variety of languages now a days we can find there.

In order to start, is well known that USA has got a different states, all of them with their own laws, religions, cultures, etc. and because of that we can hear a variety of different languages.

United Sates population it’s varied, they came from all over the world, exists a cultural variety. Currently in this country people speak around 300 languages, that’s why English is not the official one.

Among the 10 most spoken languages in United States are: English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, French, Vietnamese, German, Korean, Russian and Arabic.

This fact don’t allow that United States could have an official language because this might be consider “antidemocratic and a threat to human liberty”.

In my opinion, as I said before this is an interesting topic that will have two parts, in one hand the ones on favor and on the other hand the ones against, so personally I think that having an official language don’t affect to human liberty as one group affirms, but it’s just a way to be recognize as part of a country, as in Chile and our Spanish language.

Now, I introduce a video in which that show us different languages present in USA.

Valeria Labbé

1 comentario:

  1. I think this topic is really interesting, the video was a great example of what you were saying. All my life i thought USA had english as their national language as we do with spanish, but after your groups presentation i learned this which i believe is really important.
    I have to agree with the no official language policy, not because it would be a threat to human liberty, i'm agree because nowadays USA is one of the countries with the most cultural diversity and having a specific language would force all this diversity to loose it's identity.
